
CADTR Knowledge-Based Assessment (KBA) Registration OPEN

The KBA is scheduled on Friday, June 27, 2025 – Registration is now OPEN. The deadline for registration is 10 days in advance of the KBA date.

Register here:

CADTR SME Call for Interest - KBA 2025

The Canadian Alliance of Dental Technology Regulators (CADTR) invites you to become a member of the Assessment Committee. We are seeking Registered Dental Technologists or Technicians (RDTs) from British Columbia and Alberta to serve as Knowledge Based Assessment (KBA) Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to ensure national representation.

The Assessment Committee (Committee) responsible for carrying out the activities that support the development and maintenance of the Dental Technology Entry to Practice Assessment (DTETPA), based on best practices. It ensures the assessments are transparent, objective, impartial, fair, valid and reliable. The DTETPA consists of a Knowledge Based Assessment (KBA) and a Performance Based Assessment (PBA).

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Collaborate with a psychometrician consultant, to develop, review, and revise 400 AI-generated questions.
  • Participate in a KBA focus group with 4-5 SMEs to review the provisional test form and ensure alignment with the KBA Master Blueprint.


  • Registered in good standing,
  • Maintain currency in Dental Technology to help ensure assessment content and policy reflect the ongoing needs of the profession.
  • Be knowledgeable on the most current and authoritative sources of information on which to base standards and references for KBA content.

Work Effort and Compensation

  • Attend virtual training session on item writing and AI review
  • Attend 1-hour virtual meetings held monthly for the Assessment Committee as needed (maximum 7 hours)
  • Review 40 items per month:
    • With 5 dedicated SMEs for item review, each SME will review between 160 items (each item reviewed twice) and 240 items (each item reviewed three times).
  • Compensation is set out in the approved 2025 Fee for Services

Learn more about the Assessment Committee by reviewing its terms of reference: Assessment Committee

If you are interested, please contact Deadline for applications is March 10, 2025.  

Committee Opportunity

Join the Hearing Tribunal and Complaint Review Committee roster and help support the CDTA’s professional conduct process.

The College is seeking applicants for the  Complaint Review Committee & Hearing Tribunal roster.

Committee members are provided with training and other support to prepare for their roles on a Hearing Tribunal or Complaint Review Committee. They are compensated with an honorarium and may claim continuing competence credit for their participation in meetings.

You can find out more information about each committee and how to apply by clicking on the links above.

IPC Guideline Updates

In 2022, we introduced infection prevention and control (IPC) guidelines, developed as a collaboration between the College of Dental Technologists of Alberta, the College of Alberta Dental Assistants, the College of Alberta Denturists and the Alberta College of Dental Hygienists.

The Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines have been updated to reflect current best practices and align with provincial and national health resources. These revisions are part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring the highest standards of safety and care.

Key revisions include:

  • adding detailed information about control measures, inspection of instruments and storage and handling
  • emphasizing the importance of a point-of-care risk assessment for decision-making
  • aligning with CDSA’s Infection Prevention and Control Standards and Risk Management for Dentistry and Alberta Health Standards
  • incorporating the College of Dental Technologists of Alberta’s new branding and the Alberta College of Dental Hygienists’ new name and branding

A summary of changes is available for your review here. 

We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with these updates to ensure compliance and maintain the highest level of infection prevention and control in your practice.

You can access the updated guidelines here.

NAIT Co-Op Information: Dental Technology Diploma Progam

The NAIT Dental Technology Program is proud to announce the introduction of the new Co-op Work Experience Program! 

Students will have the opportunity to hone the skills they have gained during the first year of their studies, acquire additional professional skills, assess potential career directions, and gain career-related work experience.

You can find more information about the program and how you can support it here.

Access to Dental Technology (ADT), Phase II Project

The Canadian Alliance of Dental Technology Regulators (CADTR) is excited to announce the launch of Access to Dental Technology, Phase II project. Funded in-part by the Government of Canada’s Foreign Credential Recognition Program, this 3-year project aims to increase and streamline opportunities for licensure for internationally educated applicants seeking licensure in one of Canada’s regulated jurisdictions. 

Read More Here  

Committee Opportunities 

The College of Dental Technologists of Alberta is guided and advised by committees made up of Registered Dental Technologists, Registered Dental Technicians and Public Members. Participating in the CDTA's committees is an excellent way to positively impact the dental technology profession in Alberta. Committee members gain valuable skills in governance and leadership. The College is seeking applicants for the following Committees: 

1) Finance Committee ( <- Click to open ) 

2) Registration, Education and Competence Committee ( <- Click to open) 

Interested in gaining more knowledge about the CDTA's regulatory responsibilities and getting more involved with the CDTA? 

Please explore the current opportunities and apply using the links above.

Standards of Practice Consultation  (CLOSED)

Consultation is open August 21 - September 4, 2023.

Find more information, access the DRAFT standards of practice, and provide feedback here: Standards of Practice Consultation: August, 2023.

Changes to Regulatory Documents

March 31, 2023

The College of Dental Technologists of Alberta (CDTA) Council and the Government of Alberta have approved amendments to the Dental Technologists Profession Regulation, which come into force on March 31, 2023. 

These amendments are part of the ongoing work relating to Bill 46, the Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (No. 2), which introduced changes to the Health Professions Act (HPA). 

Read More: Bill 46: Changes to Regulatory Documents

NEW: Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidelines

In early 2020, the College of Dental Technologists of Alberta, College of Alberta Denturists, College of Alberta Dental Assistants, and the College of Registered Dental Hygienists undertook a project to collaborate on the development of common Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines.  These common Guidelines support the professions by providing a consistent standard for oral health care professionals in Alberta. 

The Guidelines support dental technologists and dental technicians by: 

  • identifying principles 
  • giving instructions
  • offering information and direction 
  • providing a framework for decision making

Get the Guidelines here.

In November 2021, as a part of the consultation process, an earlier draft of these Guidelines was shared with you. Regulated members were encouraged to provide feedback at that time. The development process included an IPC subject matter experts and collecting feedback from regulated members of all the participating colleges to ensure that the guidelines fulfilled the colleges' mandate of protecting the public. 

Following the New Guidelines 

The new IPC Guidelines go into effect today, June 1, 2022. You are expected to read, understand, and to begin taking the necessary steps to implement and adhere to the Guidelines.  

Each regulated member is responsible to familiarize themselves with the Guidelines and ensure that the IPC program in their workplace complies with the Guidelines following the implementation schedule. 

Dental Technologists and Dental Technicians are responsible to know and understand all sections of the document and implement all requirements that apply to their individual practice and practice setting regardless of employment status. 

Understanding the New Guidelines 

The Colleges created the Guidelines based on the best evidence and the most current data. As such, the IPC Guidelines are dynamic and intended to reflect current best practices. It is required that you follow the Guidelines, and that you adjust current workplace IPC practices if you find that your current practice does not meet or exceed the Guidelines. 

To ensure that you understand the new Guidelines, you are encouraged to: 

  1. read them thoroughly more than once 
  2. print them off and keep a copy in your practice 
  3. discuss the new guidelines with your colleagues 
  4. compare the new guidelines to your office's existing policies and procedures and 
  5. use them to develop updated policies and procedures, if necessary


Contact the College office: 


Phone: 780-469-0615 

June 1, 2022