Registration, Education, and Competence (REC) Committee 

The Registration, Education and Competence Committee, supports the College's role under the Health Professions Act. The committee has the authority to make decisions about registration applications. The committee reports to and makes recommendatios to Council on other registration, education and continuing competence issues. This includes registration, entry-to-practice assessment (examination) and contiuing competence policies of the College.

Committee Activities:

  • Make recommendations to Council regarding entry-to-practice, continuing competence, educational requirements, and review of those requirements at the request of Council. 
  • Collaborate with staff to develop, update and recommend guidelines and policies related to registration, education, and continuing competence to Council. 
  • At the request of the Registrar, evaluate an application for registration or reinstatement as a Dental Technologist or Dental Technician with the College of Dental Technologists of Alberta. 
  • Evaluate certificates or diplomas for the purpose of evaluating applications for Registration. Evaluate equivalent jurisdiction and substantial equivalence qualifications.Undertake any other power or duty given to it under the Act, the Regulations, the Bylaws, or as assigned by Council. 
  • At the request of the Registrar, assist College staff to conduct continuing competence audits for regulated members. 
  • At the request of the Council, assess educational institutions to ensure approved programs meet the needs of applicants and current Members of the College. 


To be eligible for appointment and to and serve on the REC Committee a regulated member must: 

  • Have been a regulated member of the CDTA for a minimum of five years;
  • Be in good standing with the CDTA and any other colleges of regulated health professions that they are a member of; 
  • Consistently maintain all professional obligations without interruption for the five-year period immediately prior to their appointment; 
  • Practice in full compliance with CDTA Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics, Administrative Policies, Position Statements, and Directives; and 
  • Have successfully completed their most recent continuing competence audit. 

Meeting Format: 

  • The REC Committee meets virtually.
  • Meetings occur as needed. 

Expenses and Compensation: 

Committee members are entitled to claim for reasonable expenses, including travel, and accommodations. Committee members may claim an honorarium for attending meetings and other required functions. Committee members are not employees of the College.

Committee Honorarium Rates (2024)
Half-Day (up to 4 hours) $ 115.00
Full-Day (up to 8 hours) $ 191.00
Over 8 hours $ 306.00

Interested in Joining the Committee?

The College is seeking applicants on an on-going basis to fill this important role. 

If you have questions, please get in touch.


Phone: 780.469.0615

Ready to Apply?